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제목 RAD 2016 Conference – Call for Abstracts
작성자 : 김용남 등록일 : 2015-10-15 조회수 :6148
작성자 김용남 등록일 2015-10-15 조회수 6148
첨부파일 첨부파일 :
 RAD 2016 Conference – Call for Abstracts

Dear colleagues and friends,

I would like to invite you to take participation in the Fourth International Conference on Radiation and Applications in Various Fields of Research (RAD 2016) that will be held in Niš, Serbia, from May 23 to May 27, 2016. The RAD Conferences gather people from various fields of research (natural science, medicine, environmental protection, engineering, as well as social sciences and humanities), representing the right choice for biologists, chemists, physicists, medical doctors, environmental protection specialists, electrical engineers and many others who are in a way connected with ionizing and non-ionizing radiations, and other areas related to them.

RAD Conferences are great opportunities for experienced researchers to present their results, as well as to make contact with the colleagues working in various research fields. Also, RAD Conferences offer possibilities for young researchers, PhD and MSc students, to pick up new knowledge in the fields of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation and related areas.

RAD Conferences are well-recognized as the events giving huge opportunities for mutual contacts between participants through very rich social life during the conference. In that way, participants become closer to each other, making it easier to collaborate in the future projects. Our previous participants have been growing into a big family, and you should not lose the chance to become a member of this big family, named RAD Conferences!

Please look at the Conference topics, and we are absolutely sure you will find some interesting topic(s): www.rad-conference.org/topics.php. However, we also encourage everyone whose work is not directly related to the listed topics to send us the abstract(s) and participate in RAD 2016 Conference.

Up to 3000 characters long abstract(s) (including spaces) could be entered via abstract portal at ABSTRACT page: http://www.rad-conference.org/abstracts.php, until the deadline date (November 30, 2015). You can import and change your abstract(s) as many times as you wish. The lastly saved abstract version will be kept.

Under the button: “DRAFT BOOK OF ABSTRACTS” at the conference web site: www.rad-conference.org/user_book_abstracts.php , you may find the draft version of Book of Abstracts, including your abstract(s). Please check your abstract(s) carefully, and make all necessary changes through the web abstract editing portal.

Please note that in the final version of Book of Abstracts, your abstract(s) will look as you have entered it (do not care about fonts; they will be adjusted in the final version)! Please also check the authors and institutions.

The page containing the Book of Abstracts is interactive and it will be automatically updated after you have entered your changes and saved them.

Each time when you wish to see the updated version of Book of Abstracts, please go to the web page: www.rad-conference.org/user_book_abstracts.php, and press the F5 button after saving your changes.

Please share this information with your colleagues and friends who may be interested in conference participation.

About RAD 2015 Conference

The Third International Conference on Radiation and Applications in Various Fields of Research (RAD 2015) has finished. We would like to thank to all the participants for coming to Budva, for having interesting presentations, for being a part of our numerous social events, for being positive and patient and in a good mood. We hope that they have taken good memories home and that they will gladly remember this event, as well as participate in the next conference(s).

We are very happy with the number of participants and the number of countries they came from. We are very proud with the quality of the presentations and full papers we received. It is amazing that there were more than 600 received abstracts and about 350 participants from almost 50 countries. All this gives us a large motive and an obligation for the organization of the next conference(s).

We have uploaded the conference materials:

Book of Abstracts – www.rad-conference.org/bookAbstracts.php

Proceedings– www.rad-conference.org/proceedings.php

and Invited talks, oral presentations and sponsor presentations – http://1drv.ms/1CQak4j

The final decision on the winners has been made. The names of the awarded participants can be seen on the web page: www.rad-conference.org/awards.php. We congratulate to all the nominees and to all the awarded contributions and participants!

We have also put the photos and video clips from the sessions and social events (www.rad-conference.org/gallery.php).

Finally, you can add us as a friend on Facebook by visiting our profile on the following link: https://www.facebook.com/rad.conference, where we will publish all new information.

Best regards,

Goran Ristic,

Chairman of RAD 2016 Conference

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